On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:49:12 -0500
Margaret_Doll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a system running 2.4.18-18.8.0 RH
>       A job started in the background dies when I log out.    I want
>       users 
> to be able to dial into the system, start long jobs (jobs taking 
> several days to complete), and then be able to log out while the job 
> continues to run.
> On a system running 2.4.18-17.8.0,
>       If a user starts and job in the background and then logs out, 
>       no one 
> else can log into the system on the console until the job is complete.
>       Is there a fix for these problems?

man screen

Once you start using it, you're gonna love it!

For example, I ssh in from machine A to machine B. I run:

screen top

I CTRL-A D out, I log out of machine B. Now I go look at machine B
directly, the one I just logged out of. I find 'top' is still running,
as is the screen process. I can ssh back into the machine and rejoin, or
I can rejoin it from the same account on machine B (I haven't actually
tried that last, but since I went in as $USER I see no reason why the
machine would differentiate if I log in as the same user locally and
pick the session back up).

All I have to do with this or any other process is at some point go pick
it back up and end it properly to clean the session up. If I'm going to
continually need a process or two there, I can just keep them open and
join them or drop out as needed. The remote connection can stay closed
except those times when I need to actually be connected, making things a
bit more secure.

This can be tested on the machine in front of you until you get
comfortable with how it works.



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