On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 08:42:25PM +0100, Paul Ryan wrote:
> Is there a command to run maintains similar to Wins "maintenance wizard
> / preform maintenance now". Secondly is there a command to preform a
> surface scan, I know that there are bad sectors on my hard drive and I
> want them marked.

cron is the tool to schedule tasks.  A lot of maintenance tasks are
already scheduled for you - see /etc/cron*/*

Secondly, you don't really want to mark out bad blocks, you want to
replace the drive. I have yet to see a drive that has lasted for any
period of time with bad blocks marked - all have been indicative of a
pending hard failure, and I've been mananging systems for 20+ years.

If you really, really want to use your failing drive, look at the
badblocks command to do the surface scan.  man badblocks for more info.


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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