On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 00:33, Craig Toenes wrote:
> I started out with an intel830M chipset which
> necessitated the loading of an advanced x windows
> leading
> to a kernel upgrade 2-4-19 opp18 leading to a
> defective
> xmms downloading rpms to fix this broke the installer
> and package manager leading to an apt install and a
> synaptic install neither of which work leaving me
> after nine weeks
> with a machine that's great for surfing the net,but
> can't
> run a GUI install or check dependencies or conflicts
> and
> a scanner that remains undetected. If the aim of 8.0
> was
> to entice simpletons like myself with an easy,
> functional
> OS, then it was more a trial by fire than a success.
> My
> tech support aside from the generous at the psyche-
> list
> was four messages telling me that my tickets had
> expired.
> Other than fixing my updates, there was, in effect no
> official support whatsoever. Mabey I'm expecting too
> much. The next thing is to scrounge around for obscure
> modules to try and detect my scanner and firewire
> card.
> It's not boring, but as much as I passionately hate
> microsoft, I'm still spending a lot of time just
> getting simple things to just work. I hope there will
> come a day where I can say RH, it works!  Even
> Libranet
> sent me instructions on what module to install to
> enable my PCMCIA card. I'd really like to see RH
> triumph as an OS. My point is that I should be
> enjoying
> this OS and all I'm doing is jumping through hoops to
> get it to do basic things that one would think would
> just work.
I don't believe that the chipset is supported by the psyche
distribution. Certainly X-windows wasn't.

I didn't see a question here but you should realize that not all
motherboards/chipsets/video sets are supported by linux distro's.

As for firewire...there was a great thread on it on Tuesday, Dec 31st.


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