Under 7.2, with the proxy set to and the port to 8118, for both http and https (and unset otherwise), it has done fine ever since I first turned it on.
Under 8.0 (and also YDL 2.3) I get nothing but "Access Denied" boxes. I've emptied the cache; closed & re-opened the browser; and rebooted -- all repeatedly. No soap. When Galeon had a similar problem, the solution turned out to be setting the "automatic" button on the proxy page. Try that with Opera, tell it Apply and OK -- and all it does is unset the button, reverting to what it had before. Opera has long been my favorite browser, since before I ever got linux. I've even tried (and failed, more than once) to register and pay for it. But if it keeps on much longer telling me to Click Here! in big flashing white on black letters, I'll send it to Redmond; it's making itself thoroughly unwelcome in my house. I'd a lot rather fix it than uninstall it, but how? (Just this once, please carbon direct if you have an answer; we're heading out of town, and I have to turn my subscriptions off to keep from bursting my inbox quota. Sorry about that, and TIA!) -- RR 'Beartooth' Neuswanger <karhunhammas (at) lserv.com> Double Retiree, Linuxer's Apprentice, Curmudgeon On Line Don't email HTML! see http://www.betips.net/etc/evilmail.html -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list