On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 13:19, Marco Fioretti wrote:

> > documentation is availably on http://fontconfig.org/.
> >
> Thanks for the explanation and the link. I was already going through
> the fontconfig site and the links it provides. One thing that still
> confuses me a bit, however, is the exact relationship between xft2.0
> and fontconfig. I'm not planning to develop anything right now, just
> need to understand xft2.0/fontconfig better. Are they both libraries,
>  and if so, how do they relate
> to each other? Is xft2.0 a server coded with the fontconfig library?

I don't know much more that what's on the site, but my impression is
that Xft is the library that is used to draw the fonts while fontconfig
does the higher-level font selection/installation and - when a font is
not available - substitution.


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