I just set up a new ssh server using the minimal install selection and further customized it by also selecting individual packages. I added a couple of packages and also deleted a bunch I would not need, such as the kernel-pcmcia, wireless-tools packages etc. Since I'm not running X on this box, I even went as far as removing all the XFREE86 packages that were selected by default. (maybe this is my problem) PROBLEM Whenever i bring up a man page (see example below), there are all these funny characters in it. Do I need to re-install on the XFREE packages to solve this issue? The only dependency I saw for man was that it needed GROFF which is installed. Thanks for your help! Update Agent has a quite a few configuration options, including but not limited to: installing packages after they are downloaded; downloading source RPMs along with binary RPMs; whether or not to upgrade packages where the default configuration file(s) have been modified, and more. You can change these settings through a graphical interface by running up2date�config, or you can edit the configuration file /etc/syscon� fig/rhn/up2date directly. A number of the command line arguments described below can also be used at runtime to override configuration options. There is also a text mode based configuration if invoked with with the ��configure option. If you supply package names on the command line, those particular pack� ages will be updated or installed if there are new versions available. Only the package name is needed, do not supply any version or release information. If the package is not currently installed, it will be downloaded and installed, along with any dependencies that package requires. ��configure Configure Update Agent options. This will allow you to adjust things such as which files/packages to skip by default, where to store retrieved packages, and more. �d, ��download download packages only, do not install them. This option is provided so that you can override the configuration option "Do ************************** Kevin Lisciotti, CISSP IT Audit - FRB Boston 617-973-3039 ************************** -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list