you don't understand me, there is a cdrom install that you mentioned 
here, but installing from iso means that you are using the iso's without 
burning them to CD.

On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, Dave Yantis wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:44:07 -0500 (EST), Justin Zygmont wrote:
> >the ISO install if not for a CDROM, it is if you have a th ISO file
> >on a
> >harddrive and you select the proper drive and path where these files
> >are.
> >
> >
> I disagree.  The ISO install images that are on the Red Hat FTP site 
> are to be used to burn a CD.  If your BIOS supports booting from a 
> CD-ROM, you can then do the install from the CD that was burned from 
> the ISO image.
> As to the original poster's question, I had no problem doing the 
> install from the CD that I created from the ISO image.  I did go 
> through the trouble to do the media check.
> Thanks,
> dy
> --
> Entropy is not what is used to be.

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