Bob Parry wrote:

I have searched my documentation to fin out how to connect win 2000 to
my samba server.

With help of people on this board and the internet I have now gotten the
win machines to see the samba shares. I have set up a machine account
for the Win 2000 machine without a password as specified, set user
accounts to the same on both Linux and Windows. However when I try and
connect to the shares from Windows it asks for a Password and then says
the password is incorrect.

I have check all my passwords and none of them work. I am certain that
this is a small thing but I can not find it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bob Parry

Sounds like it's the "encrypted password" problem. I've gotten these two (Win2000/Samba server) to work together and I'm still having trouble with NFS between my linux boxen....have you seen a HOWTO on that?

I seem to remember that you must enable encrypted passwords within Samba for the client machines...this is in "smb.conf" if I remember right...I had that off at first and I was getting messages like you report...and unable to connect.

I might be bypassing the problem, but on all my home machines, I'm the same person/password on all machines regardless of OS. Local accounts created by default on each....this could be bad-form/security issue, but it keeps it easy to remember who I am...and I certainly need that around here...


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