Network Time Protocol Daemon =ntpd when set up properly it will query 1 or more times servers and set you clock within a few millionths of a second. So so never have to do a rdate again --- David Sudjiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear All, > > I was told that if I wanna sync my local date/time I > should do it with > rdate <a_time_server> and then sync it with my > hwclock -w. > > How can I get the list of those time server? and > What is the diff with the ntpd, is that ntpd gives > the query result to > some clients issued with rdate command? > > thx > .dave > > A copy of the universe is not what is required of > art; one of the damned > things is ample. > -- Rebecca West > > > > -- > Psyche-list mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
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