On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 13:08:05 at 01:08:05PM -0700, William F. Acker WB2FLW 
+1-303-777-8123 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi Marco,
>      My wife had the same problem on her Toshiba Tecra 730CDT with the 
> same SCSI card.  It went away with the application of an errata kernel.  I

I have upgraded to the latest kernel available from the errata site,
and put back the pcmcia config file working in RH 7.2: no luck.

I still get the IRQ warning mentioned in my first message. If I plug
in the SCSI adapter I get one high beep, one low beep and the message:

cs: warning: no high memory space available!
cs: unable to map card memory!

I don't know if it is related to this problem, but dmesg, both now and
with the previous kernel, also says:

ohci1394: pci_module_init failed

One thing I don't get is the advice in the initial warning message:

"Please try using pci=biosirq"

Where should I set this option? In which file?

                Marco Fioretti 

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