Hello Chris,

Friday, December 20, 2002, 8:43:03 PM, you wrote:

CK> I'm using it's big brother the HPT372. I do so as a regular IDE
CK> interface.

CK> On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 17:43, Brian Curtis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm wondering if anyone is using an HPT370 raid card under 8.0 w/o
>> any problems?  Is there native support for this card finally?
>> Any issues I should be aware of before upgrading a 7.3 box?

CK> Depends on if you want to try to use it as a software raid (firmware) or
CK> as a regular IDE card. As a regular card it's fine. as a software raid
CK> it's doable, but I'm not sure 7.3 will auto detect and configure it
CK> (doubt it).

Well, I already two drives in a RAID0 array built using the card's own
firmware tools (big mistake) in a 7.3 box.  I'm now having problems
when manipulating files larger than 650mb -- Terminal will hang
indefinitely when doing so, and the box will not shut down properly
since files will be "in use" on the array and the kernel is unable to
unmount it. 

I'm currently using the High Point supplied 2.4.18-3smp kernel and
drivers since I could not get a custom built kernel to play nicely
with this darn thing to save myself.  High Point does not have a
kernel/drive set for 8.0, hence my hopes that Psyche has native
support for this card.

Best regards,
 Brian Curtis

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