** Reply to message from Scott Pumer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 18 Dec 2002 15:15:25 
> Dunn, Jeffrey wrote:
> >I have never used Linux before, and have been tasked with setting up a
> >firewall. Does Linux 8 need third party software for the firewall, and could
> >someone give me pointers on how to get started?

> If you want the quick way, get firestarter GTK 2 version.  It is very 
> intuitive to get started
> and once you are protected and management is happy I would strongly 
> recommend
> you also learn about what it is firestarter is doing by following the 
> other suggestions and reading.
> http://firestarter.sourceforge.net/
> Scott

Strongly second this suggestion. Firestarter is solid. And the first reference you 
should read is the firewall.sh script that FS itself develops for your system. Well 
commented and will get you on the right track quickly. Packet filtering, NATting, etc. 
are such integral parts of a system's security that it behooves everybody to try to 
understand the internal workings rather than just treat it as a black box.


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