--- efcarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pete Peterson wrote:
> > Mozilla runs painfully slowly on my RH 8.0
> machine.  Clicking on a link
> > takes 30-40 seconds to bring up the new page. 
> During this time, "top"
> > shows mozilla using 96% CPU time.  
> Have you checked to see if you don't have multiple
> instances of mozilla 
> runing? IE. ps aux|less

Or that your networking configuration is working
properly? I have a pentium 200 and mine works just
fine... links only take a few seconds to load, if
Although I can't say that the 96% cpu time happens to
me often. Perhaps when I just first fire it up it may
use that much cpu time for a couple of seconds.

Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE-- <Red Hat Certified Engineer>

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