From: "David Sudjiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, faisal gillani wrote:
> > 1 write a one line command to create a directory
> > called dir1 to move into it list its content & @ last
> > print your working directory "all in one line ?"
> mkdir dir1 &&  find ./dir1 && pwd
> >
> > 2 wat type of network topology do we preffer when
> > using linux Network server ?
> Their prefer.. dunno you ask them.. perhaps Ethernet? ;-)

I'd phrase it more simply, dave. "The preferred topology is
the one the customer specifies or that matches the rest of the
customer's network. If no such specification or network exists
at the moment Ethernet would be the preferred network."

Of course, classical Ethernet is a multiple individual nodes
on a single backbone wire configuration. These days the physical
topology more resembles a bush than a long wire with taps. So
I'd call the physical topology a bush so dense as to leave no
"root" visible. Hm, a Mandelbrot plot?

In otherwords if the above phrase is not the correct answer the
question was badly phrased and has no correct answer.


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