On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Gerry Tool wrote:

> Not really.  It might be worth a try to change the 'owner,kudzu' on the
> two cdrom drive entries to 'user' just as a test to see if the failed
> indication goes away.  Also, look carefully at the lines just before and
> after the failed message line to see if there is a clue about anything
> else that might be causing it.  Like you, I am still using kudzu for the
> floppy and zip drives, but they don't seem to cause any problem.

Well, unfortunately no joy.  I still got the failed message.  I'm not
seeing anything during boot that stands out to me as an obvious cause of
the problem.  Going back through the logs (dmesg and messages), I really
only see a couple of complaints.  One deals with modprobe saying it can't
locate "module sound-service-0-3" and a warning about my USB Zip drive
about the data integrity not being assured.  Neither of these have been
altered, though, since I set up the machine and this failure has only
recently occurred.  I guess this may be something I'll have to live with
until it decides to heal itself.  Nothing seems to be out of working
order, so I guess it's not entirely critical.


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