> On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 14:03, Cedric Chausson wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >=20
> > I get a weird message about one of my hard disks during boot : It says
> > this :
> >
> > Dec 15 13:55:17 kernel: hdd: dma_intr: status=3D0x51 { DriveReady=20
> > SeekComplete Error }
> > Dec 15 13:55:17 kernel: hdd: dma_intr: error=3D0x84 { DriveStatusError=20
> > BadCRC }
> BadCRC is a cable problem just about always. The hardware uses a CRC
> checksum to "protect" the data the disk sends to the IDE chip on the
> motherboard (and other way around). BadCRC basically means that
> something went wrong in this transmission.
> The kernel (and/or chipset) will retry this a few times, but it's worth
> checking the cable for damage and checking if all connectors of the
> cable fit right.

I have this exact problem.  The messages were not there on
on RH 7.3, they started with 8.0.  My disk is an IBM 40Gb
and previous messages I have seen say it is a problem with
IBM disks.  I think the original person on this thread said
they were using a Maxtor.  The second drive on my system is
a Quantum and does not have this error.  This is the second
'new' cable, I have updated the firmware in the disk drive
and the motherboard.  I have also tried both of the
connectors.  The MB is a PCChips and has a SiS730 ATA 100
controller.  I got 3-10 error a day.  I copied the disk
back to an older 30 Gb Wester Digital and do not have any
more errors.  The processor is a 1 GHz AMD Athlon with
1 Gb of memory.  I have not tried this drive in another
system lately.  It was in another system under RH 7.2 and
I did not have any errors.  I have always been running with
DMA selected.  Does anyone know of any common thread for
the problem?  Any other ideas?

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