On 15 Dec 2002, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 13:10, David A. De Graaf wrote:
> > There's a show-stopper in RH 8.0 for me that I haven't seen discussed.
> > Mozilla and galeon display incorrectly my Schwab account web page.
> > A little graph of stock prices is missing.  As far as I can tell, this
> > is an "HTML Advanced Chart", but there's no error message, or any
> > indication that this critical part of the web page cannot be shown.
> ....
> > Two screenshots of the same page with mozilla and netscape are at:
> >     http://datix.2y.net/mozilla/mozilla.png
> >     http://datix.2y.net/mozilla/netscape.png
> >From the screenshots, the missing bit looks more like an image than
> anything else.  If you want to diagnose this, I'd recommend viewing the
> HTML that the lower frame is composed of, and search for "bigchart.com",
> which may be where the image is loaded from.  Try to determine what's
> wrong with the image tag (maybe it's outside of the <td> tags, and
> invalid).  If you can't tell what's wrong, save the HTML and show it to
> someone who might know.

One thing to check is the setting of Preferences -> Privacy -> Images.  I
don't recall what the default is, but if the images are being loaded from
a different server than the page, you need to have "accept all images"
set.  Another site where this is an issue is Mapquest.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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