** Reply to message from Rich Renomeron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 14 Dec 2002
13:58:39 -0500

> Randall J. Parr wrote:
> > I'd like to upgrade to Mozilla 1.2.1 BUT am concerned that I will 
> > break things
> > [given all the "integration", "bastardization", and "incompleteness" 
> > of the RH8 desktop]
> >
> > I'd like the new features but I don't want to break things (esp not 
> > up2date).
> >
> > Any opinions as to the safety (or benefit) of upgrading RH8 to Mozilla 
> > 1.2.1?

I've upgraded to 1.2.1 with no ill effects on my RH8 box.

> I don't think the upgrade to 1.2.1 will break anything, as long as you 
> upgrade Galeon to a compatible release at the same time, but I haven't 
> tried it.  Doing an rpm -q --whatrequires mozilla shows that only galeon 
> and mozilla-* packages depend on it.  The "Web Browser" icon belongs to 
> the htmlview package.
> You could always stick Mozilla 1.2.1 in /usr/local, as I have, and it 
> shouldn't break anything that depends on Mozilla 1.0.1.  You can even 
> make the "Web Browser" desktop icons point to it by placing the line
> X11BROWSER=/usr/local/mozilla-1.2.1/mozilla
> (or whatever the path to your mozilla is) in a file called 
> /etc/htmlview.conf or ~/.htmlviewrc (depending on whether you want to 
> make this system-wide or per-user).

Thanks for this, Rich. Declaring the variable now.

> (And galeon fans, you can use this very same trick to make galeon the 
> default web browser, too.)
> Hopefully, in 8.1, Red Hat will do something as clever as 
> /usr/bin/htmlview  for the standard e-mail client.

Those who want a skinaable, fast, feature-rich browser amy want to play with
the new Phoenix 0.5. It has become my standard browser.


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