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On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:35:43 -0500, John Nall wrote:

> I've just installed RH8.0 and did a little Internet work.  I notice
> that the right-bottom of the screen has an indicator that my system
> needs to be updated.  I assumed that this is somewhat the same as the
> Windows update service that my XP system does pretty much
> automatically, for security patches and such.  So I told it to sure,
> update, and after a few gyrations it looks like there is about 39MB
> worth of update material!   I don't really want to try and download
> that much with a slow modem. What are they updating?  The RPM's?  The
> running system? What?

 - the RPMs
 - the running system
 - see: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/rh8-errata.html

> And does this update service cease after 30
> days (unless I want to pay for it)?  Anyone know?

No, the service doesn't cease after 30 days, but the quality of the
service does. One basic entitlement for Red Hat Network
https://rhn.redhat.com is free per person. You can spend this
entitlement on one of your machines. The free basic entitlement is
somewhat limited with regard to features and access to RHN. Paying
customers get priority access at RHN while you may need to wait
until free users are granted access again.

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