Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 00:06, Ryan McDougall wrote:I'm not really sure what you intend to do here.
Alright guys I hate to bring this up again so soon but I have some more questions and issues I would greatly appreciate help with. This is what my /etc/sysconfig/network file says: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=thalia.lan.home
If you expect your Windows box to communicate with your Linux setup using a name, you need to associate that name with its IP address on the Windows machine. I don't know how to do this directly on the Windows box.
You mentioned a web page. Are planning to host a public page from your Red Hat box? If this is the case, your RedHat box will need a static IP address. You can then lease a domain name at or another domain registrar They will provide DNS for your IP address. 48 or so hours later, your name should be available from any legitimate name server.
If you're just playing, you can use the IP address just like a domain name. You can also run DNS for your local network from your RedHat box.
my /etc/hosts file contains the following:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost thalia.lan.home thalia localhost izanseth.lan.home izanseth
But I am still unable to use my linux pc name from my Windows box to
communicate to my linux box. My router still doesn't even recognise my hostname
from my linux box either... I have sent them an e-amil to see if they can help.
Keep you fingers crossed!!!
what router?
who them?
most importantly, what are you trying to do that you can't do?
Communicate? I'm sure you can communicate...did you try ping?
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