On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 00:17, Mark C wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a hard drive crash on my tape server (which was also an nfs server
> for some media files).
> But the problem I have is that I lost the media (nfs exports) that I was
> exporting, but the good thing is they are on backup of a tape from a
> week ago (they don't change a lot, so I only do a weekly backup of them)
> The problem I have is not having the original log files, I don't know
> how to restore or even extract the files from the tape that amanda wrote
> to.

After some experimenting, I have manged to restore the backups using:

/usr/sbin/amrestore -p /dev/nst0 | tar -x

I always figure than amrestore only worked if you had valid
configuration files and logs still.

Guess I was wrong :)

/note RTFM More ;)

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