Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 2:24:23 PM, Ronald wrote:
> We're having a bit of trouble with the gcc 3.2 for RH 8.0, mostly
> having to do with interaction with gdb.

I've got a bit more information, now. We generated a small test case
that is intended to show one of the problems we are facing with gcc /

I create a test file, foo.cpp:
----- Cut here -----
#include   <string>

using      std::string;

main() {
       string          rwh;

       rwh = "acme";
----- Cut here -----

I invoke the compiler: g++ -g foo.cpp -o foo
The compiler (with -v) says it's RH 8.0 3.2-7.

I invoke the debugger: gdb foo
and enter commands:
(gdb) break main
(gdb) r
[hit the breakpoint]
(gdb) p rwh
$1 = { static npos = Cannot access memory at address 0x833b550
(gdb) n
(gdb) p rwh
[same error]
(gdb) n
(gdb) p rwh
[same error]

The memory is obviously accessible, since the assignment did not cause
an exception or fault. Looks like gdb is powerfully confused.

Are we doing something really stupid? How should we proceed?



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