Not that this solves the problem but, sqlplus is backwards compatible and I
would recommend you use the 9i Release 2 client just for the ease of Red Hat
8 compatibilty.


----- Original Message -----
From: "ajTreece" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: Oracle8i v8.1.7 and RHv8

> I'm trying to install the subject mentioned version of Oracle. All I
> need is the client side. My DB is on a different machine. I pulled down
> the linux tar ball from Oracle and completed all of the pre-install
> stuff. The problem occurs when I try and execute 'runInstaller'. The
> message comes back that it is configuring JRE and to please wait. What
> happens next is the cpu pegs out a 100% and the installer never starts.
> Anyone have any luck? All I really need is the sqlplus stuff so if there
> is anyplace else to get these I'd be happy to try those.
> Later, ajTreece
> --
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