Why bother with a redirect, just run your sshd with a "-p 21" option.
Guy Greg Gatlin wrote:
I updated my xinetd to the newest version with up2date and my redirect is no longer functioning. I upgraded to xinetd-2.3.7-5. My redirect is so I can get to my box from work. They block port 22 and leave 21 open. Here is my xinetd configuration that worked before the upgrade: service ssh-ftp { disable = no port = 21 protocol = tcp flags = REUSE socket_type = stream wait = no user = root redirect = 22 } I have tried many different combinations, xinetd will not open port 21 unless I specify a service in the definition. It is not the firewall. I installed anonftp and xinetd opened port 21. I changed sshd to listen on port 21, xinetd opened port 21. Did something change that I need to add to the configuration? I scoured xinetd.org and didn't find any clues. Thanks, GREG
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