On Tue Dec 03 2002 at 20:46, David Mascot wrote:

> I can see the Linux server in network neighborhood from the Windows
> machines, but when I try to connect from the Windows machines I keep
> getting a bad password message.
> When I run smbpasswd -a I get the following message:
> "Cannot add account without a valid local system user.
> Failed to modify password entry for user miyuki"

So create a unix account for that user...

        adduser miyuki

> I did add user miyuki to both the smbpasswd file, and as valid users
> when I edited the smb.conf file.

You could try mapping that user to another local (unix) user if you
don't want to add miyuki as a local unix user.

  Also, have you told samba where the domain controller (doing
  network logons) is located?  Otherwise, you may need to use
  security=domain to get it to work if you are not using a network
  logon server.

All this is documented in the man pages and the faqs at samba.org.


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