I have a mount problem on CDROM device on Red Hat 8.0. After mount 
attempt on this device I obtain a seek error and I have to kill the 
bash (yes, bash), where this mount process is running. The same occurs 
with any type of parameter on hdparm. It seems to be a problem of this 
Red Hat distribution, because red Hat 7.3 on this computer is going 
well. I announced this problem to bugzilla
but I have no feed back yet.

Have anybody the same problem?
Best regards


Michal Vymazal
Secunet  s. r. o.
Evropska 33d, 160 00, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 2 3302 97-16, Fax +420 2 3302 97-37
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.secunet.cz

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