
On three different machines (two fresh installs, one upgrade from 7.3)
we are seeing the screen save kick in (we have the password enabled
feature), but the problem is the screen is blank except the password
box.  All the boxes have animated screen saves chosen -- all work from
the test button but not when the time limit kicks in.

Any ideas???

"Mike A. Harris" wrote:
> On 30 Nov 2002, Nadeem Bitar wrote:
> >Date: 30 Nov 2002 09:08:46 -0800
> >From: Nadeem Bitar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Content-Type: text/plain
> >List-Id: Discussion of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Psyche) <psyche-list.redhat.com>
> >Subject: Screensaver problems
> >
> >The Screensaver is freezing the computer requiring a hard reboot. I am
> >not sure what is causing this problem. It it video-card related? I have
> >a ATI Radeon All-in-Wonder 7500 the card is "built by ati"
> Make sure you are using a fully up2date system, including the
> kernel.  There were some long standing DRM locking bugs fixed in
> the kernel erratum.  (About 3 years old)
> If that doesn't work, I can provide test packages for you to
> upgrade to if you like.
> --
> Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
> OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat
> --
> Psyche-list mailing list
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| Gerald W. Lester               | "The man who fights for his ideals is
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  the man who is alive." -- Cervantes 

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