Machine: Compaq Presario 5610 Pentium II 366mz 128mb IDE harddrive 8gb Compaq DVD-ROM GD-2000 Iomega Zip 100 Generic NEC floppy display: Rage LT PRO AGP 2x network: PCI Fast Ethernet Windows 98 in 4gb partition. 4gb is used for this Linux install.
downloaded ISOs: MD5SUM checks ok. linux mediacheck ok Boots from cdrom. Press Enter. Shows this message quickly then goes on: 'Loading unknown module' I have found no way to determine what this problem is. The install continues, I make my selections and it starts to load the packages. I get the following message no matter what type of install I select: The file /mnt/sysimage/var/tmp/glibc-common-2.93-5.386.rpm cannot be opened. This is due to a missing file, a bad package, or bad media. Press <return> to try again. The file name is different depending on which intall type I select. The above was for the most basic. If I try a workstation install, it actually installs almost a gig of package before halting with a similar message but a different file name. When I press return I get some python error messages ending with: IOError: [Error 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/source/.diskinfo' When I try to copy the messages to a disk the system locks up. If I just click Enter, the system goes to reboot. I have checked the cdrom and .diskinfo is there and readable. I have tried loading the drive images. 'linux dd' I have tried turning off dma both in the boot setup and with 'linux ide=nodma' Also tried a text install instead of gui. Same results. The install always fails. I need help badly. Thanks Cy Ball Senior Analyst [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]