On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 17:28, Peter Boy wrote:
> Suddenly I get an error message from my php scripts:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in  ....
> But a query to rpm db shows:
> [pb@ibmLinux phpLogic]$ rpm -qa | grep mysql
> mysql-3.23.52-3
> mysql-devel-3.23.52-3
> mysql-server-3.23.52-3
> php-mysql-4.2.2-8.0.5
> The php-mysql module is installed and should work.

If you have moved your scripts over from a different version of Red Hat
or another distro, it could be due to the default settings in
/etc/php.ini in Red Hat 8.0.

These are the two most common variable settings that bite people moving
PHP to a default RH8 install.  Check them in /etc/php.ini:

short_open_tag = Off
register_globals = Off

Change them to "On" and see if it fixes your problem.  Check the PHP
docs for the implications of setting these to "On".

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