On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 17:26, Lanny Marcus wrote:
> Awhile back, Jesse Keating told someone on this list (or the Valhalla 
> list) looking for an e-mail client that he uses Sylpheed and that it is 
> on CD #3. Last night, I installed it (Sylpheed version 0.8.2) and I 
> tested it with a secondary e-mail account.
> When I tried to print an e-mail message to our HP LaserJet 6L (we use 
> CUPS) it did print the message, but the 2 1/2 columns on the extreme 
> Left side of the page were not printed.
> When I did "File, Print", a little box came up that said Enter the print 
> commnd line ( %s will be replaced with file name)   lpr %s is the 
> default, which is filled in in that box. When I said print, it did print 
> the e-mail message, but without the 2 1/2 left most columns.
> The "Help" and "FAQ" for this version of Sylpheed are empty.
> I changed lpr to cups in the box but then it did not print anything.
> Question: How do I get it to print e-mail messages properly with CUPS?
> TIA, for your time and help!      Lanny in Cali, Colombia, South America

Try putting in the following print command.  It helped for me.

lp -o page-left=36 -o page-right=36 -o page-top=36 -o page-bottom=36 %s


Brian Craft

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