Another question today. I'm trying to "look before I leap". I didn't see anything on the Red Hat Hardware Compatability list about this drive.

I'm contemplating ordering a Cendyne Lightning IV 48x12x48 CD-RW drive, for my wife's Compaq Evo D300v. The drive is currently rated #1 by PC WORLD magazine and I'm sure it will work fine with M$ WinCrash, but we are migrating to Red Hat Linux, so I would like to know if anyone on the list has had good or bad experiences with this drive, using Psyche. The Cendyne part # CDI CD 00118.

If this IDE CD-RW drive is problematic, please suggest other low cost CD-RW drives that work properly with Psyche.

TIA, Lanny in Cali, Colombia, South America

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