On Mon Dec 02 2002 at 14:07, Craig White wrote: > Search Sendmail.org but couldn't find any info - may not be possible but > I'll ask > > Is there any directive that I can add to sendmail.mc or instructions > anywhere that I can add the contents of a file to the bottom of all > outgoing messages send from a sendmail server?
No, not directly with sendmail. It isn't such an easy thing to do anyway so that it works right. Some email is text/html, others are text/plain, others have multiple mime attachments - and you need to be able to use it in a sensible manner so that it works no matter how the email is constructed. It can be done indirectly though, using a "milter" (mail filter). Unless you also plan to do full email scanning, this is probably overkill for your purposes. I've been using mimedefang for this purpose for a long time now... http://www.roaringpenguin.com/mimedefang/ This is a perl-based sendmail filter, and it works brilliantly. It has functions for injecting text/html or text/plain boilerplates like you are asking about. > Thanks, > > Craig Cheers Tony -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list