I expected some changes moving from Gnome/GTK 1 to 2, but I didn't expect to see my login session wiped!
I don't know what to expect from Gnome 2, so my question is really: have we got what's available, or have RedHat dropped/changed a number of things in this drive to standardise to GUI?
A couple of e.g.s,
- has gtcd gone? The 'gnome cd player' that's there isn't cddb aware.
- where are all of the 'advanced' config. windows? Gnome1 had wads of decent panel configs. on tabs; now there seems to be one noddy one.
Similarly, sawfish's config. window seems to have been altered: I can't set the <meta> key up (for, e.g., moving windows without finding the title bar) and I can't have key-oriented bindings (they're now action-oriented: a list of actions, with a "what key do you want to use" as opposed to an "add key + action" type affair). Means I can't assign my 'standby' key to 'logout'.
How much of this is part-and-parcel of Gnome 2, and how much is a 'Redhatism' (if any)?
[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit
Psyche-list mailing list
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Neil Bird
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Jesse Keating
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Neil Bird
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Michael Knepher
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Gregory Gulik
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Jesse Keating
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Havoc Pennington
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Brent Fox
- Re: How much has RH8 gnome been nobbled? Neil Bird