On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 04:48:13PM +0100, Klaasjan Brand wrote: > On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 15:14, Anthony Abby wrote: > > Don't the overwhelming majority of Linux/Unix users use KDE? > > > > I'll bite: since Red Hat has a market share of about 60-75% of the Linux > installations in use and the default desktop is Gnome the logical conclusion > is that a _lot_ of users use Gnome. Not everyone is a desktop fanatic... > > greets. > Klaasjan Intersestingly enough the same survey reported that RedHat was third in popularity behing Mandrake and Suse. Before I am called an idiot again I don't necessary believe the survey. -- ------------------------------------------- Aaron Konstam Computer Science Trinity University 715 Stadium Dr. San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
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