On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, dana christiansen wrote:

>I'm trying to set up a dual head system in redhat 8.0.  I have an MSI 
>G4MX440 with two video outs.  I've read up a lot more on Xinerama but i 
>can't find libs in redhat 8.0.  I'm pretty sure that psyche doesn't ship 
>with it in its xfree86.  I downloaded the current from XFree86.org (where 
>libxinerama did exist) and edited the XF86config file as the man pages 
>specified but still nothing worked.  Now the problem seemed that the Nvidia 
>GLX and kernel drivers couldn't work with the newly installed X system.  I 
>guess the RH8.0 must differ somewhat...

Yes, Red Hat Linux comes with Xinerama.  If you have XFree86 
installed, then you also have Xinerama installed.  In fact it is 
not possible to install Red Hat Linux with XFree86 and _not_ have 
Xinerama.  The Xinerama client libraries are part of the 
XFree86-libs package.

>libxinerama did exist)

It isn't "libxinerama" it is "libXinerama".

I'm not 100% certain, however I don't think Nvidia's binary 
drivers support Xinerama.  I seem to recall that they provide 
multihead support in a different manner "Twinview" if I recall 
correctly.  You may want to verify the exact details with 
Nvidia's documentation however or with another user who has set 
this up, in case I'm mistaken.

Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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