On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 12:22:31PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi folks ! I'm a newbie and I have this very frustrating situation: my > redhat 8.0 pc always reboots instead of shutting down, it doesn't mater if I > choose: shutdown from the gui, "shutdown now", "shutdown -h now", > "poweroff", "init 0", it always shuts down all the services, stops all the > processes and in the end instead of shutting the power off, it always > reboots. I searched the web for a solution, but nothing seems to work. > A bit of detail: > -duron 1.2 g cpu > -ecs k7vza pcb 3 atx with the latest bios from the mb manufacturer site I have Duron 750, ECS K7VZA PCB 3 too, and I have noticed a few days the same a few days ago (this box is one year old, and it has never happened before). After a few days, I just pulled out the power plug. Next time, the computer shut down properly. Strange... Mirek
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