On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, orion wrote:

>Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2002 13:06:55 -0700
>From: orion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>List-Id: Discussion of Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Psyche) <psyche-list.redhat.com>
>Subject: Re: your session lasted for less than 10 seconds
>Pavle, thanks, but I have not found any .Xclients* files on my machine.
>   It happened when I was exploring the effect of the Ctrl+Alt+Fn keys and 
>tried starting X-windows on the same terminal as screen 1. And then choosing 
>by mistake Reboot before I even had chance to try to close screen 0.
>   I fixed the problem temporarily by selecting option 3 in /etc/inittab 
>(booting into multiuser mode). I can now use X-windows, invoking startx, at 
>least in my user account, but still not as root! When I try invoke startx as a 
>root, it exits without giving any reason/errors.
>   By the way, that message actually contains at least one typing error
>"your session lasted for less THEN 10 seconds ...", and then says something 
>about installation errors (none were reported during installation) or the lack 
>of memory (that's not my case), so that was not very helpful.

Please bugzilla this.


Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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