On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 12:31, David Sudjiman wrote:
> On 2 Dec 2002, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> > I've got iptables to log what it drops with various options, but its
> > filling up my log files (theres a lot of traffic at work).  Can I
> > somehow get it to log to a file other than /var/log/messages?
> there is a /etc/syslog.conf file that manage on how the log works.
> just put a 
> *.kern        /var/log/newfile
wont this put _all_ kernel messages in the 'newfile'?  I just want
iptables messages in a different file.

> on it to make a different log file for your iptables.
> make sure you check the /etc/logrotate.conf to avoid your log being 
> clogged up
> btw... I still  can't get it off from my console.. I did remark the *.kern 
> /dev/console.. how can I avid this?
you need to change the logging level that is sent to the console.  for
kern.crit   /dev/console
in /etc/syslog.conf should do it...

Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No guest is so welcome in a friend's house that he will not become a
nuisance after three days.
                -- Titus Maccius Plautus

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