On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 09:16, Peter Boy wrote:
> e.g. SuSE: 
> they "re-configured" the KDE menue, too, implementing their SuSE menue
> (not as a distro specific addition but as a replacement) and it is hard
> to get rid of it. Or if you su to root, you can't start a KDE or Gnome
> program anymore (e.g. kate to edit a configuration file, you have to use
> vi or a special console menue, deeply hidden in the menue tree). The
> menue system is quite cluttered and you need many klicks to start a
> program. There are a lot inconveniences in details which sum up into a
> remarkable loss of usability (as a desktop). And "United Linux" at least
> in the current version is nothing else than a SuSE 8.1 with less end
> user applications.

This is not correct about the SuSE menus.  SuSE does by default give you
a SuSE customized KDE menu.  However, to change it back to the normal
KDE menu is a simple selection in the KDE control center.

To select which menu you want to use:
Control Center / Look and Feel / Menu settings / main menu (SuSE or KDE)

Then, restart KDE (or just kicker) and you are done.

On the other hand, I agree with your general conclusion that each distro
has quirks and you have to pick your poison.

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