I know its pittifull compared to Mikes achievements and all, and I am sure
its lame in comparison to you and all also.

So I will just go and un-install all 1500 RH machines I have installed at
small companies.

Thanks for your great insight into the underlying problem

This is the exact sorta talk that will destroy the community if you
are not carefull.

Look I apologize for being a dick to Mike, but he should not have been
a dick first.
> On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 22:41, David Durst wrote:
>> Once again, someone that didn't read the ORIGINAL POST and still
>> thinks the driver I asked for is a CLOSED SOURCE DRIVER.
> You are a stupid moron, David Durst. Nobody on this list will miss you
> if you decide to leave, but *A LOT* of people (including myself) will
> miss Mike, since he has been very helpful to everybody.
> What have you done to help the community, by the way? Can you enlight
> us, please?
> --
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