> On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, David Durst wrote:
>>Ok, maybe OpenLDAP does come w/ it. My mistake - but when you click to
>> do a FULL INSTALL it doesn't.
> A full install does not install every single RPM package.  There
> is a reason for that.
>>And great RH doesn't support Binary Modules - you can get a
>>source version compile it on your own and then send it out as a

Sounds like you are clueless for what I am asking.
And you never stated Binary ONLY modules, I believe you said
binary modules (Which really doesn't make sense but I read into it
to make it make sense)

> If the source were available, then it WOULD NOT BE BINARY ONLY
> now would it?  Binary only modules, by definition, are modules to  which
> the source code is NOT AVAILABLE.
>>Or maybe I am getting it wrong here, lemme look at it the other
>>way. You don't want to support the project of a module? If so
>>then why dist software at all?
> Red Hat got where it is today by following a set of principles
> and values that have made it one of the largest and most used
> Linux distributions.  Why distribute it all?  Simple, because it
> is popular, and gaining more popularity daily - without including
> binary only modules.

You are still misunderstanding what I am stating, your point was
"We can't fix it". The counter point to that is UMMMM you guys have
a habit of shipping broken software.  So FIXING software for you guys
is sometimes a DEAD DUCK point.

> Feel free to select a different distribution that does ship
> binary only modules - you do have that choice.
>>It just a piece of software that POSSIBLE could be borken when
>>you ship it but that should be no concern of yours considering
>>XMMS & Postgres :)
> We can fix xmms and postgresql.  Nice try.  Invalid point.

Yep exactly, you don't get what I am saying.

>>Just ship the damn module so RH 8.1 or whatever can support
>>about 75% of the wireless NICS on the market.
> Absolutely and completely totally _NO_.  Switch to another
> distribution that ships it if you must.

Hmmmm, this is a great stand to take.
Our customers want their computers to work, HA! corporate users want
their wireless NICS to work.  What are you gonna say.
Let me quote you correctly: "Absolutely and completely totally _NO_. 
Switch to another distribution that ships it if you must."

I thank god that you are not the CEO of RH, because if you were and or
if the CEO does shares your same opinions about overall SOFTWARE SUPPORT &
DIST., RH is bound to fail.  That is when you tell the market, screw you
we will not PUT ON a seperate CD drivers thar are not GPL (And look into
it before you open your mouth, the drivers I am speaking of are OPEN SOURCE
just not GPL - http://www.linux-wlan.com/linux-wlan/)

>>This discussion reminds me of the pre Donald Becker days and
>>dealing w/ regular NIC cards.
> This discussion reminds me of getting a root canal, and I've
> never gotten one.

You remind me of every other SIMPSONS COMIC BOOK STORE LOOKING GUY
that holds linux back.

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