On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 11:46, antonio montagnani wrote:
> I have just tried to upgrade from 7.3 to 8.0 but the procedure stopped 
> after checking dependencies and informed us that there was error (I 
> apologize for not taking note of which error...) and that was aborted 
> and that I could safely reboot my machine.
> In the text upgrade, I got the message that some file was missing 
> (common lib or something like this).
> Any other simmilar experience with upgrade??

I have never had a satisfactory upgrade experience from any version of
any OS to any other version.  I've had upgrades that mostly work, but
there is always cruft from the previous one hanging around that
eventually causes me problems.  I've found this to be true in Linux and
Windows.  I always back up my data, do a clean install, then restore my

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