On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Marco Fioretti wrote:

>> Pleaaaaaaaase.  I do not want the problem solved for myself  I want
>> solved for everyone and that means a native form. 
>Why can't that "native form" be "completely intgrate apt-get for RPM
>and synaptic" in standard Red Hat?

If you wan't Debian, then by all means go use Debian.  Red Hat is 
about as likely to add apt-get to Red Hat Linux, as Debian is to 
include up2date in Debian GNU/Linux.

>> And I don't want to fuel the arrogance of Debian wanabees:
>> it has more than enough fuel by itself.  :-)
>Even if that were true, do you really care? Why should you? *If*
>porting apt-get is technically wrong, please explain why; if it
>is a good solution, refusing it only because it comes from
>Debian is arrogance too, isn't it?

Wether or not apt-get is a good solution or not depends on a 
given person's individual tastes.  Red Hat provides up2date, 
for this purpose in Red Hat Linux.  The beauty of open source, is 
that if you wish to use some tool that does not come with your 
chosen OS, or is not supported by your chosen distribution, you 
have a variety of options available, including, but not limited 

- Download and install the given unsupported software
- Switch to a different distribution that comes with, and 
  possibly even supports the particular software that you wish to 

Open source does give people these, and many more choices.

Mike A. Harris          ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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