Thanks everybody for your inputs. I took good notes of it. So, in order to
proceed to the installation of the Nvidia drivers, I first wanted to upgrade
the kernel to 2.4.18-18.8.0.

Via RHN, I downloaded and installed the rpm. When I type in "rpm -qa kernel"
(or something like that), I see the 3 rpms, i.e., 2.4.18-14, 2.4.18-17.8.0
and 2.4.18-18.8.0. However, when I boot, I still boot in 2.4.18-14 only. I
must mentioned at this point that I decided not to use GRUB nor LILO but
always boot from a diskette (this is the family pc and I don't want the
others to be bothered by having to chose). So, I did my homeworks and read
on the thing to find out that I have to do another boot diskette to boot
with the latest kernel (well, I think it is what I need to do). I used the
"mkbootdisk 2.4.18-18.8.0" command, made the diskette, and reboot. All this
to get the message "boot failed" (while vmlinuz is running). Any suggestions
or idea of what I did wrong?

Thanks again for your help.


----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher A. Williams
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: RedHat 8.0 and TNT2 Ultra

I just successfully upgraded to 2.4.18-18 while maintaining my NVidia video
drivers installation. You need the source RPM files to to accomplish this.
Here's how I did it:
Upgrade to kernel 2.4.18-18 via RHN
Reconfigure XFree86 to use the vesa driver.
Reboot to the new kernel
switch to runlevel 3 (init 3)
uninstall the old NVidia drivers removing the GLX driver first! ( rpm -e
NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123 and then rpm -e NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123)
Uninstall the old kernel (rpm -e kernel-2.4.18-17.8.0)
Delete the modules directory for the old kernel (rm -Rf
Rebuild new NVidia rpms for the new kernel from source
(rpmbuild -rebuild -target i686 NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-3123.src.rpm
Copy / move the new RPMs from /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i686 to a convenient
install the new RPMs starting with the NVIDIA_kernel one
Reconfigure XFree86 back to use the nvidia driver
That's it. It's a pain to do but it works consistently for me.


Chris WIlliams

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 14:04, Mr. Adam ALLEN wrote:
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 16:20, lovswr1 wrote:
> > If you haven't downloaded the drivers from nVidia's site, then that's
> > the first job. There's two files, a GLX file and a Kernel file.
> > nVidia pre-compile the drivers, so you either need to match the kernel
> > you are running (probably 2.4.18),

> do kernel revisions make the above untrue?  I have downloaded (via
> up2date) 2.14.18-8..(I am on -7 now) nvidia drivers work (tnt 2
> non-ultra) on my current kernel..however when i try to build then under
> -8 it tells me buildmaster is not installed - as root...I did get the -8
> src files as well.  are there specific nvidia files for each 2.4.18-X?

Going from 2.4.18-14 to 2.4.18-17 broke the nVidia drivers on my box.
I'm visiting my folks with the laptop so haven't had change to upgrade
the box with the nVidia card to 2.4.18-18 yet. I've not even got around
to reading the release notes for the kernel update yet.

I would expect it to break the nVidia drivers, since the modules are in

I personally have the tar files on my box to recompile with each new
kernel that I install- so have not looked at specific versions from
===================================="If you get to thinkin' you're a person
of some influence,try orderin' someone else's dog around."--Cowboy Wisdom

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