On 16 Nov 2002, Dr. David M. Colburn wrote:

> 22megs via a 56k (try 28k typical) dialup out here in the woods?  Ouch!
> Is there a smaller version that works? I am guessing not ... sigh.

There's one from IBM, but I don't know if it's smaller.  If you only need
it to run Java applets in your browser, get the JRE package instead of the

> Guess I will start it later when I don't need bandwidth for other
> purposes.
> Right now gotta load up gPhoto for the kiddies Polaroid 320.
> Thanks!  doc
> > Install Java.  Sun's Java is at java.sun.com.
> >             Matthew Saltzman

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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