On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 20:58, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 November 2002 17:49, lovswr1 wrote:
> > How did you get the above for each kernel revision.  Also when I see
> > someone say something like "make sure you have updated the
> > kernel-source" does that mean have the source loaded for the kernel that
> > I want to compile against?  If that is true, i do have the -18-18.8.0
> > kernel & its source loaded.   Can someone please tell me what this
> > "buildmeister" is?  That seems to be the cause of all my trouble.
> no, thats not your problem.  Buildmister is just the user that Nivida uses 
> when they make the .src.rpm.
> Are you sure it's "kernel-source-<version>.i386.rpm" and not 
> "kernel-<version>.src.rpm"  ?  You need the former, not the latter.
Ohhh!  It is kerner-<version>.src.rpm.  That is the file I downloaded
from nvidia & that is the file the worked on -17-18.8.0, so I figured
that it should work on -18-18.8.0.  Where do I get the .i386 version?
> Also, you need to be booted to the kernel you want to compile against, yes, I 
> know I mentioned it before, but just wanted to iterate once again.

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