On 20 Nov 2002, esra wrote:

> > They also want to listen to their collection of mp3s.  They want to
> > visit web sites that make use of Macromedia Flash player and Java and
> > Realplayer and Quicktime and Microsoft Media Player formats.  They want
> > their web browser to Just Work with their favorite web sites and not
> > have to deal with the politics and technicalities of non-standard HTML.
> > Of course, they can't even connect to the internet with the world's
> > largest ISP.
> > 
> > And, increasingly, they want to browse their home smb networks, burn
> > CDs, watch DVDs without skipping and stuttering, and log on to their
> > workplace networks, all of which requires extra twiddling with Red Hat.

> Red Hat expicitly claims 8.0 to be a desktop for the enterprise. Almost
> nothing you mention above has to do with a work environment unless
> you're a programmer. In which case you can easily configure it to work.
> In fact, it might be a plus for average workers to not be able to "fool
> around" on their PC at work. 

while i'm not upset that red hat doesn't support proprietary features,
even desktops for the enterprise will typically need to browse web sites
that, sadly, incorporate flash, etc.  

i think that says more about how badly designed web sites are than
the current omissions in red hat 8.0.


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