A friend tells me that he's read somewhere that the i81x series cards have problems in 16 bit mode with vertical stripes sometimes, and I see this often on my Sony SRX87 (which otherwise works *great* with linux.. someday I'll write up a little summary.. Meant to do it while I was setting it up).. When I go to 24 bit the artifacts disapear, but so does my bzflag and the few other little 3d things I enjoy :(

Anyone know a workaround, a version to try, maybe X flags, etc, that might fix this problem? I'm back and forth about putting up with the lines here and there sometimes and having 3d, or no lines and no 3d.

To be clear, what happens is it seems some text boxes, my panels top border, sometimes window titles, etc, get maybe 4-5 pixel-wide lines every 20-30 pixels.. The lines are wierd colors and texture, but consistant. Seems to appear most in Mozilla's text URL input box, top of KDE's panel, sometimes on the top border of window titles, etc.. Rarely goes through the entire screen, in text, etc.. Just the edges of things.

Any suggestions?

Walter Francis
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