>>>>> Harry Putnam writes:

    Harry> Lame grip question: select a track by right click, go to rip tab
    Harry> Select `rip only'.  It completes.  I see no chance to give a
    Harry> file name or destination.  I see no file appear in current
    Harry> directory.  Where is the file created?

In grip, go to Config->Rip, and see what file name is displayed in the
"Rip file format" box.  This will contain symbolic switches such as %A
(artist), %d (disc name) and %n (track name). "~" stands for your home

grip on-line help is available: open the Grip User's Guide from grip via
Help->Table of Contents, or point your browser to
/usr/share/gnome/help/grip/C/grip.html and follow the links for
"The Rip config tab" and "Configuration (%) switches".

FYI, if you're going to rip and encode CD music files, I strongly suggest
using Ogg Vorbis instead of mp3.  See http://www.vorbis.com for more info
on Ogg Vorbis.  It's a superior format to mp3, and is Open Source.

Ogg Vorbis support is available on RH 8.0 CDs:


You can use xmms, noatun, or ogg123 to play Ogg Vorbis files; these are all
on the RH 8.0 CDs.

Other useful Ogg Vorbis tools:

crip Ogg Vorbis rip/encode/tag program: http://bach.dynet.com/crip

squelch Ogg Vorbis player: http://rikkus.info/squelch.html

Ogg Doctor tag editor: http://roan.free.fr/softs/oggd/index-en.html

I've started ripping my CD collection to Ogg Vorbis format with crip, and
am very pleased with the results.

        Ron Olsen
        Boulder Colorado

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