>Message: 11 Subject: Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messages into >Mozilla Mail 1.0.1 From: "Mr. Adam ALLEN" ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Organization: Date: 17 Nov 2002 00:44:23 +0000 Reply-To: >[EMAIL PROTECTED] --=-h0bq3hxMrP7P//PGQUWC Content-Type:

Adam wrote:

>I've just looked on a Windows machines running Mozilla 1.1, and it has
>the option for Outlook Express as an import. My guess is that it may be
>dependent upon some Windows DLL's to actually do the import.

Mozilla 1.01 in Linux does not have that feature (although the Help says that it does). I do have Mozilla 1.1 on that box on MS Windows, so I am going to try to Import first into Mozilla 1.1 as Martin suggested (below). Thanks!

> once you get data across from Windows.

I can access the VFAT data without any problem from Linux, the problem is importing the Outlook Express 6 messages into Mozilla Mail 1.0.1

>I don't understand you not been able to copy from a message to a new
>compose window. That certainly works for me, highlight the text w/mouse
>to copy, then middle (or both) mouse button(s) to paste. Maybe I've
>misunderstood what you mean.

I haven't tried that method, but I will try it. The method that does *NOT* work for me in Evolution Mail is the drop down menu, "Edit, Copy" and then "Edit, Paste", which works for me in Kmail and Mozilla Mail 1.0.1, without any problem.

>Message: 12
>>>Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 01:45:48 +0100
From: Martin Stricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: http://martin-stricker.de/ http://www.surfo.net/
> http://www.masterportal24.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.cgi
>Subject: Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messages into Mozilla Mail >1.0.1

Martin wrote:

>Netscape was replaced by Mozilla, and that's somewhere in the release
>notes (maybe not psyche but earlier).

Yes. I read it in the Psyche Release Notes, a few minutes ago.

>I'm not sure, because I don't use KDE, but I was told that Kmail is >able to import from Outlook Express, and the files Kmail uses can be >used by Mozilla as well. The other possibility is to import the Outlook >Express mails into Netscape or Mozilla *in Windows* (because in Windows >there is a MAPI thing that allows the import).

Thanks! I am going to try Importing my Outlook Express 6 Messages into Mozilla Mail 1.1 in MS Windows on that box and then see if I can Import the Messages into Mozilla Mail 1.0.1 in Linux, since it's dual boot and I have no problem accessing the data on the VFAT partition.

Special thanks to both of you, Adam and Martin, for replying to me!


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